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4 votes

Can we get code highlighting turned on, please?

Sure, I don't see why not. Y'all should have syntax highlighting now. Shout if you see any issues.
Slate's user avatar
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4 votes

What's this stupid thing about having to indent all of your code with 4 spaces for it to be rendered as code?

You could do: <pre> code code2 code3 </pre> which gives you code code2 code3 I think triple backticks code ...
1 vote

What's this stupid thing about having to indent all of your code with 4 spaces for it to be rendered as code?

In fact, just use the curly braces when answering: the SE answer "IDE" has this function automatically. Just hit the curly brace button after selecting the code you want indented.
Peter K.'s user avatar
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