Will a reading list be useful for newcomers?
To try to figure out what the top-level keywords are, I've exported all the tags from the site and generated a wordcloud that scales the tag label with the number of questions about that topic.
Code ...
Peter K.Mod
- 25.9k
Stack Overflow, Google and Gemini
Provided SE sticks with the license I agreed with, I don't have much to complain about. It's probably going to be hard for them to meet the attribution condition.
You must give appropriate credit , ...
Peter K.Mod
- 25.9k
Ya know what's really nasty?
Probably prompted by a question that I closed recently. What I would like from the SE.SP audience is guidance on distinguishing between what you're talking about and our standard close reason:
Peter K.Mod
- 25.9k
LaTeX/MathJax Quick Guide
See the Math.SE MathJax FAQ for a very long tutorial, a much shorter version is available at the Operations Research MathJax FAQ; which adds particularly helpful links to this information:
"There ...
Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible
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site-evaluation × 9
tagging × 8
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statistics × 7
feature-request × 6
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questions × 4
election × 4
status-completed × 3
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stackexchange × 3
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retagging × 3