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4 votes

The name of the tag [white] should be changed to [white noise]

Done, I think.
Peter K.'s user avatar
  • 25.9k
4 votes

What is the difference between [image] and [image-processing]?

Given that there are 524 questions tagged with image and 389 tagged with that and image-processing both I think it makes sense to create a synonym. Edited to add:
Peter K.'s user avatar
  • 25.9k
4 votes

Two tags for compressed sensing. Why not merge them?

Merged compressed-sensing onto compressive-sensing because there are many more compressive-sensing than compressed-sensing questions (88 vs 16) and all 16 compressed-sensing are double-tagged with ...
Peter K.'s user avatar
  • 25.9k
3 votes

Merging tags: stft, short-time-ft

Perfectly valid suggestion. I merged those together and added synonym as well. Since now we should be using stft only.
jojeck's user avatar
  • 11.1k
3 votes

Two tags for SDR. Why not merge them?

You're right, these are synonymous. I've created a synonym suggestion, and users with a few answers on the tag can vote for it. I believe since this is really just a matter of expanding an acronym, a ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
3 votes

Synonym for $\Delta\Sigma$

Peter K.'s user avatar
  • 25.9k
2 votes

FIR as a synonym

Done! I also swapped the stft tag with its longer counterpart to go with this way of doing things.
Peter K.'s user avatar
  • 25.9k
2 votes

Tag [tag:fm] should be a synonym of [tag:frequency-modulation]

Sure, we can do that! Which way do you suggest? fm as the tag and frequency-modulation as the synonym or the other way? As suggested by @jojek, I've added fm as a synonym of frequency-modulation so ...
Peter K.'s user avatar
  • 25.9k
1 vote

Two tags for controls. Why not merge them?

DONE! Thank-you for pointing it out.
Peter K.'s user avatar
  • 25.9k
1 vote

Inconsistency in tags for A/D and D/A conversion

OK, I've made the change you suggest. Older Answer Below I'd be tempted to go the other way: keep adc and dac and make the longer forms synonyms. Mainly because the shorter forms include "c" (for ...
Peter K.'s user avatar
  • 25.9k

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