Note: The email that went out mentioned Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange - this was an error. The title did not get edited from the last swag email that went out. All the other information in the email, including the closing date for the form, is correct. This is swag for Signal Processing. Sorry about the confusion.
We want to congratulate and thank everyone that helped this site and community grow healthily into what they are today!
If you can find your name among the top 72 users in the first two pages here, we have a surprise for you! We want to send you a token of our appreciation for being among the most prolific users in this community! As such, we're sending you a little box, inside which you'll find:
I'll be reaching out to you shortly with a link to a form: be sure to fill out the form as soon as you're able to do so! You'll have two weeks to do it, after which I'll close the form and take care of sending all of the swag your way! It should take from 6 to 8 weeks for the package to be delivered to you!
If you're not on the list, don't worry too much about it — we've got some extra swag stored we can send to you for events and such!
Thanks to all of you for making this site great!
Update 02/14/2017: This is currently in the proofing process. Once the proofs are approved and finalized by our designers, the warehouse will begin printing and shipping. This delay is partially my fault here - the holidays caused this to get lost for over a month.