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Questions tagged [on-topic]

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0 votes
1 answer

How to handle mismatch between a quantum phase noise question and the current answer? "...because this is a DSP group, and 'quantum' is about physics"

Why can't quantum phase noise in radio astronomy amplifiers just be filtered out after down conversion, instead of down-converting first? asks (somewhat naively1 perhaps) about quantum phase noise....
2 votes
2 answers

Could we have a "belongs on a different…"->electronics.SE close reason?

There have been several questions that revolve around e.g. wave propagation in waveguides, antenna array factors, noise in electronic systems etc. Though most of them are pretty clearly "better off" ...
6 votes
1 answer

Why was this question migrated to SO?

This question was migrated to SO. I was wondering why, since it's not a particularly good fit for SO: Image of (pseudo?) code: a big no-no. Asking to read paper by a 3rd party and find an error in it:...
3 votes
0 answers

Celebration: using anniversaries to open and publicize DSP topics

We are celebrating in France the 250th anniversary of Joseph Fourier, who is relatively little known as a mathematician. He had many activities, including being a Prefect (Governor), published little ...
1 vote
1 answer

Are work-related questions on-topic?

I'm still at University, but I would really like to know if it is possible to find any work related to DSP where I live (Buenos Aires, Argenitna). I don't think South America is the right place to ...
1 vote
2 answers

Questions on the usefulness or validity of published signal/image processing techniques

The DSP literature increases steadily with more or less useful papers. Sometime, a potential promising ideas get little notice. It could be that the paper (if not obviously wrong) has not reached its ...
4 votes
0 answers

Asking a question on the degree to which a medium is digital or analog

I have run across an interesting article in my internet travels Analog is Not the Opposite of Digital which addresses using the term "analog" for a film camera. I tend to disagree with the article, ...
5 votes
2 answers

Defining a broader scope of on-topic questions

Given the site being relatively new there are many (and will be eve more) questions like : Are questions on topic X is - on-topic or off-topic? Here are some glimps: Computer Vision questions ...
2 votes
1 answer

Is home automation on-topic here?

I intend to ask a broad and general question about how to detect presence and position of humans in an indoor environment (my home). I want to know (1) weather there is anyone in the house and (2) in ...
1 vote
2 answers

Is neural network related quesitons are on-topic?

There is a question in SO here : Isn't this more appropriate here?
3 votes
2 answers

Are "How do I do X in Y (programming language)?" off-topic?

I just joined this site and was surprised to see that there is a matlab tag but not an OpenCV tag. I then found that we are already asking if OpenCV questions are off-topic. However, there seems to be ...
7 votes
2 answers

Are OpenCV questions on topic?

It would seem that questions about the use of OpenCV should be on topic, because they are usually questions about computer vision algorithms in disguise. There are plenty of such questions on ...
14 votes
2 answers

Computer Vision questions are on-topic or off-topic?

I know that there Computer Vision themed site in incubator, but it is still far enough from beta. So, is it appropriate to ask CV related questions here (since SP and CV peoples often intersect and ...
5 votes
1 answer

Statistical testing of quantities particular to signal processing

This is in the spirit of Where to draw the line between programming, signal processing, and mathematics?, but I'm wondering if a question on the statistical analysis of a particular calculation would ...
3 votes
0 answers

Should we allow questions that are marginally related to DSP but requires a different expertise to solve? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Are questions on numerical analysis on-topic? I'm referring to this question What approximation techniques exist for the square super-root function? The OP hints that it ...